Sunday, 26 February 2012

I'm So... Fat.

So, I'm using my mobile app right now and I can't update the about me, but ya I weighed myself this morning. 130.5 lbs.
I would usually be jumping for joy at being so close to a goal weight, but I have a very strong feeling I'll have gained weight tomorrow morning rather than lost it.
So... I ate today. A. Lot. I had a waffle with three strips of bacon and a bit of maple syrup this morning for breakfast. That's really good for that kind of food. Usually when I'm presented with bacon and waffles/eggs, I binge... instantly. But today I controlled myself. Well, at first I did. I went on to have FOUR PB and and J sandwiches... that's right FOUR. After that I had some calorie laden soup. Yay. And after practice just I had two little fruit packet things... 175 calories each. Then I had two more strips of bacon and a shitload of sweet potato fries. I feel like dieing right now. Tomorrow morning when the scale confirms how much of a failure I really am... I probably will go into a form of depression. I might go throw up now if I have the balls for it. Goodbye.
~ cleosparks

1 comment:

  1. Try not to beat yourself up about it. Just make tomorrow a better day! <3
