Monday, 20 August 2012

Three... Days

Three days. Three. Days. I didn't even know it was physically possible to binge for that long nonstop with no breaks. Well, I did it. I look freaking pregnant. So backed up, it's not even funny. Seriously, imagine a binge bloat and then multiply it by three... It literally looks like my stomach is a seperate being from the rest of me.
 I gained two pounds. 136. Why do I even do this to myself? I know how much I'll hate myself, but I still go and binge anyway. Fucking stupid. The last thing I wanted to do this morning was weigh myself, I just wanted to start this altered ABC diet and hopefully not be this bloated tomorrow. But then I remembered it was Piggy's Challenge weigh-in day so... I hopped on the scale. Instantly regretted it.
 But to make myself not feel suicidal feel better, I focussed all my thoughts on the ABC today. I can fix this. I just have to have under 671 calories today. I can fix this...
 Well, I've got nothing left to say other than I literally feel sick when I look in the mirror.. but what else is new?
 ~ Cleosparks

*edit* Oh, I also grew half an inch. 5'8" (Mental Happy Dance.) Maybe I still have a change at being in the olympics!


  1. The half inch is probably just a bit of bloating, that should hopefully go down soon. I'm sorry you had a bad few days, but I know you can get back on track. You're so strong and motivated; you can do this.

  2. Don't feel too bad huni, you'll get right back on track. And you'll feel much better when the bloating fades, just give it some time and focus on the diet you modified for yourself.
    I haven't even been brave enough to weigh myself the past few days, I've spent so much time around my boyfriend and my family, I just know I've gained so much from all the food they've made me eat. You're much braver than I! Good luck hun!
